Sunday 21 April 2019

Unity Hyper Casual Game - Cubie By FastSolution

Learn To Create A Multiplayer Shooter Using Photon2 in Unity (2019)


Hyper Casual Game - Cubie Project

Watch Complete Video Tutorials On Youtube Channel

Download Project : 9.0 mb

How to develop jumping hyper casual game in #unity.

Download Apk
What are #Hyper #casual #games ?

Crushing Hyper Casual Games,  you'll learn the step-by-step system used to create a massive game business based on building simple graphics and simple game play to provide best user experience and achieve success on play-store and App-store.

You will learn how to create a simple jumping game in unity in a series of video tutorials in English.

Part1 : Creating Hyper Casual Game - Getting Started

Part2 : Jump realistic And Fast in Unity

Part3 : Adding dust particle on hitting ground

Part4 : Generating random Tiles At Runtime

Monday 25 March 2019

Unity 2019 Photon Multiplayer Course

Learn how to create video games using Unity, the world-leading free-to-use game development tool. We start super simple so you need no prior experience of Multiplayer Coding and Concepts.

This Course is Designed for Beginners Who Have A basic Understanding Of Unity and eager to learn
#Multiplayer GAME Development using #Photon 2 (PUN) Latest Edition of 2019.
Course Link :
In This Course We will Start Learning By Creating A fully Functional Multiplayer 2D Platformer Game where Up-to Eight Users Can play with Each other in A single Room And we can create as many Rooms we want.

The Game will Have The following Functionalities:

Creating Lobby and Rooms
Player Movement Sync
Jumping and Rotation Sync
Firing Bulletes and Syncing
Death And Respawn On Network
Photon Features Like Transform Sync And Rigidbody Sync
RPC Remote Procedure Calls
Raise Events on Network
Player Feeds on Network
Displaying Online Users
Chatting System
Animation Syncing Over The Network
Player Health System

And much More....

Monday 21 January 2019

Easily View Console window In Unity Game [Android , ios ] (English)

An Easy Way to view console in unity game on android and ios using free plugin asset.

Log Viewer

Using this tool you can easily check your editor console logs inside the game itself! even on mobile!

All what you have to do is to make a circle gesture using your mouse (click and drag) or your finger (touch and drag) on the screen to show all these logs.
Console Window. See in Glossary Window (menu: Window - General - Console) shows errors, warnings and other messages generated by Unity. To aid with debugging, you can also show your own messages in the Console using the Debug.Log, Debug.LogWarning and Debug.LogError functions.

Etihad Group Of Companies SCAM JOBS (2019)